Relationship Advice for Couples 14 Principles For Lasting Relationships
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Relationship Advice for Couples: 14 Principles For Lasting Relationships

Love is wonderful. Not only does it contribute to the functioning of the planet, but it is also arguably the most beautiful aspect of what makes us human. But love is also a difficult and perplexing thing. Relationships are difficult and rarely simple. How can we maximize the positive effects of love in our lives, particularly in terms of romantic partnerships? Through studying and putting out the effort to become the greatest partners we can. The greatest relationship advice for couples has been included in this handbook as a result.

A love tale can be effective in a variety of ways. There isn’t a single, perfect solution. To delve deeply into what true love is and how to discover and preserve it, many psychologists, relationship experts, and even philosophers have committed much of their lives. We can rely on these professionals to explain what often succeeds in marriages and relationships so that we may put it into practice in our own lives.

All of that knowledge has been condensed into 14 concepts that we believe might help couples build enduring, meaningful relationships.



Spending quality time together and developing a genuine connection is without a doubt one of the secrets to a successful relationship.

What does this mean?

This goes beyond simply setting aside time for regular date evenings, though we do encourage this as a way to find romance and adventure. See all of our top date suggestions for couples. The most important thing is that you and your spouse feel as though you are engaging in activities that allow you to connect on a real level during your quality time.

You might need to plan and prioritize this, especially if you have children or a hectic schedule. Quality time seldom simply happens, but when you make an effort to schedule it into your week, you’ll see that it has a significant positive impact on your marriage.

It’s not necessary to spend a lot of time together or go through difficult activities to enjoy quality time; it may be as simple as sipping coffee together in silence every morning. This is one suggestion from our list of easy routines that couples may adopt to foster these intimate times. (Read more about the top behaviors of contented couples.)

Good advice for couples should bring you two closer together - Relationship Advice for Couples
Good advice for couples should bring you two closer together – Relationship Advice for Couples


Without a doubt, we should seek the assistance, support, and support of our partners. Partners do really require certain things from one another. However, it’s quite simple to fall into the trap of expecting our spouse to satisfy all of our wants and turn to them to make things right.

When I initially met my spouse, I was guilty of doing this. I was quite anxious about his sentiments for me and kept asking him to tell me that he loved me and was devoted to me. If only he would say or do such-and-such, I would feel better and these concerns would go, I reasoned.

But the fact is that we are all accountable for our own behaviors, feelings, and self-worth.

I was making things worse by asking my spouse to give me the reassurance I so urgently wanted (and an endless cycle of needing reassurance in a relationship). Instead of blaming him, I needed to get my act together and resolve this problem. In the end, I did just this, and it had a significant impact on our relationship.

Realizing that we are in control of our own emotions is the mature, adult thing to do. This assists us in avoiding the blame game, which involves blaming our spouse for how we may be feeling, and in not expecting our partner to “fix” us. Our ideas and expectations about a person, event, or circumstance “directly impact and, many would say, drive our feelings,” according to PsychCentral.

What does being responsible for our own needs look like?

In a conflict situation, it’s important to take control of your emotions. Controlling your negative emotions will prevent you from acting unhealthily or cruelly toward your partner. Realizing that you are responsible for handling the baggage you have from former relationships, your early years, or anything else is also important.

It goes without saying that long-term relationships or marriages are a fertile environment for these old problems to surface. We may be vulnerable with someone when we are at ease with them (for better and for worse). “Stuff” then pops up at this point. Your old problems, tics, and worries.

When this occurs, keep in mind this crucial relationship advice: stand back and acknowledge the reality of what is occurring. Keep an eye on where these feelings are coming from since they presumably originate from deep within you.


A significant factor in choosing your life mate is compatibility. There is much more to choosing a partner than simply being compatible with them, while it is undoubtedly significant.

People who put a lot of work into understanding one another, speaking openly, and attempting to satisfy one another’s needs every day can have happy relationships even if their personalities don’t appear to be a good match on paper. The most important factor in creating a successful relationship is effort.

Naturally, there is something to be said for partnerships that will be a little “easier” right away, and compatibility may help make that possible. It takes much more than comparable interests or viewpoints to be compatible.

The most telling indicator of a compatible relationship is the presence of shared values since it means that both of you approach your relationship (and life) from relatively similar angles. (See additional indicators that you’ve found the proper mate.) In many respects, this will make things much easier for you.

Compatibility is only a term in the end. Making the appropriate relationship choice and being the ideal partner for yourself is most important. being terrific friends and partners.

Healthy relationships are those that work in the good times and the bad - Relationship Advice for Couples
Healthy relationships are those that work in the good times and the bad – Relationship Advice for Couples


Although this relationship advice for couples seems straightforward, it might actually be more challenging than we realize.

Your lover needs to understand how much you value and adore them. The happiest couples tell each other this all the time. Individuals can grow in relationships when both parties feel safe and valued. You feel secure enough to take chances, be open to being hurt, and develop into your best self in such a partnership. It’s fantastic.

Both spouses must learn how to show one another love and how to do it in a way that makes the other person feel the most loved.) Understanding your partner’s love language is essential in this situation. We may utilize the five love languages as a great tool to comprehend this idea. See our introduction and overview of the five love languages.

PS: One of our top suggestions for how to improve your marriage every day is to learn each other’s preferred means of communication.

However, the majority of us know how to communicate our love without even thinking about the many love languages. We may express our love to our lovers with personalized letters (see: 25+ Romantic Open When Letter Ideas for Couples), thoughtful presents (see: 100 Reasons Why I Love You List and Gift Ideas), or by holding them close and telling them how great they are. This relationship advice’s emphasis on being kind and empathetic is its most crucial component.


What could be more loving—and compassionate—than putting the needs of another person before your own? The capacity to make essential compromises or sacrifices out of love for your partner is a critical component of successful marriage and relationships.

Relationships are hard, let’s face it. And if you’re with someone for a long period, difficulties and hardships are inevitable. You’re going to have to put in a lot of effort, and it’s daunting. In order to care for someone, sometimes it might be a little daunting for us as humans to put our own needs aside. It’s frequently awkward, inconvenient, and downright difficult.

Although it’s commonly believed that marriages are 50/50, the truth is that this proportion is always shifting. Your partnership will go through periods where the split is 60/40 or even 90/10.

Your spouse may occasionally be dealing with something that prevents them from putting much of themselves into the relationship. They might be suffering from a severe sickness. They might be struggling with severe depression.

A relationship won’t always be “fair” and balanced, no matter the cause. You may have to give more often than you get at times. perhaps a lot more. Can you manage it? Although it won’t be simple, being able to do this for the people we care about is crucial and is one of the most crucial aspects of developing a long-lasting connection.

So, go to practice right away. Be as unselfish as you can in any situation. Get used to giving without expecting anything in return. I’m ready to wager that along with interpersonal improvements, you’ll also get new personal advantages.


One of the easiest pieces of Relationship Advice for Couples to keep in mind is to always be learning and developing in your partnership. Any skill you wish to master requires practice. Relationships need talent. So don’t be reluctant to look for the tools that will make that possible!

We consistently believe that couples therapy is an excellent tool for couples. You don’t need to be experiencing “issues” to benefit from couples counseling. Consider it similar to routine maintenance. Simply said, working with a trained therapist to address any areas where your relationship may be improved is a smart idea.

However, reading is also a vital component of understanding good relationships. Naturally, we’d love for you to return to Two Drifters often, but we also suggest that you read some of the finest marital books, watch these amazing TED lectures on couples, and listen to the best marriage podcasts.


Working on yourself is one of the most important relationship recommendations, much like always learning about relationships. Do you want to be in a wonderful relationship? Make a wonderful teammate!

Regardless of whether you’re single, dating, married, or in a committed relationship, this is excellent general life advice.

Working with our worries is one of the ways we’ve personally experienced self-improvement. Both Nathan and I have various forms of anxiety, which, if untreated, might be harmful to our marriage. Therefore, it is crucial for both the success of our relationships and our own mental health and happiness that we learn to handle them as well as possible.

We’ve got some resources on that for you here: How to Deal With Anxiety in Relationships

Relationship guidance for couples can serve as a map on the journey you and your partner are on together
Relationship guidance for couples can serve as a map on the journey you and your partner are on together


Even the most devoted, passionate, and contented partnerships have their rough patches. Relationship difficulties are common and, more than that should be anticipated.

So how do you deal with them? As a team.

It’s important to keep in mind that you and your significant other are in this together no matter what comes your way. You and I are teammates. Even in a usual disagreement, it’s a good idea to keep this in mind. You two are not at odds with one another. You and the issue are at odds with one another while you work to find a solution that will protect and develop your connection.

This team mentality is a crucial component of happy marriages and will benefit you throughout your marriage or relationship. It will also ultimately assist you in avoiding some pointless disputes.

It’s also beneficial to recognize that challenges and disagreements are common and beneficial. Never getting into a fight or disagreeing is not normal. An essential component of a strong, long-term relationship is constructive conflict.


Whether you’ve been together for a year or 20 years, staying interested in your mate is one way to maintain a successful relationship. As we all mature and develop, it’s important to let go of the notion that you already know everything there is to know about this individual.

We may see our partners with new eyes when we maintain our curiosity. We want to know why they are considering things in a particular manner or why they responded the way they did.

Additionally, it lessens the likelihood of us making unjustified assumptions about others in order to damage our own feelings. You are aware of the proverbial statement, “What happens when you assume?” Yup.


One of the most difficult things in partnerships is communication. You’re simply chatting, right? It looks simple, yet communication is actually quite subtle and intricate. It goes beyond words. It’s vocal inflection, nonverbal cues, subtext, etc. And it is considerably more profound in a loving partnership. With whom we share life and who are the greatest at knowing and loving us, we are in communication. It will inevitably become a touch sticky given all of this.

So, educate yourself on effective couple communication. This is a talent that may be developed in a connection to a tee. Healthy communication does not always come easy to us since it is difficult. So it requires a lot of work and effort to understand how to communicate with and listen to our spouse.

In the end, effective communication comes down to being patient, truthful, and transparent. You’ll be almost there if you concentrate on those things. Check read our comprehensive guide on 5 Ways to Improve Communication in Relationships and these 9 activities for couples communication.


Finding romance in your relationship is what we’re all about! We frequently try to include romance in both major and minor ways.

But how exactly do you do that? What do you do to maintain the fire in your relationship? How do you maintain the romance? What if you’re not even romantically inclined?

Well, our entire website is devoted to suggestions for romance and adventure, so feel free to look around for endless inspiration. However, in the end, we can summarise everything into three concise principles:

1. Take adventures

Want your relationship to have more romance? Try something new! Trying something new together has a big impact, whether it’s an adventurous activity like skydiving or a more sedate one like taking a cooking class. It deepens your connection, fosters shared experiences, and brings you closer together than ever. (Our list of 101 things to do as a pair)

We also urge you to make as many romantic trip plans as you can. It need not be that far from home. Even a romantic weekend trip or staycation is a wonderful chance to reconnect and reignite your passion.

2. Continue to flirt

Never stop making out with your spouse! Flirting keeps things new and serves as a gentle reminder to your spouse that you find them alluring. Sending one of these amusing, flirtatious texts to him or she can accomplish flirting. (PS: These romantic and beautiful texts are also fantastic for him and her.)

3. Prioritize intimacy

A good marriage requires both sex and connection. Make as many opportunities as you can for intimacy and sex. Even while scheduling your sex time may seem “unsexy,” busy couples understand that it can occasionally be necessary. One couple we know claims that having sex nearly every day for nine years has been essential to fostering closeness in their union. Daily sex might not be feasible, but you can try to have physical contact as often as you can.

There is no reason not to spend the time and effort to connect when you are in a long-distance relationship; intimacy and romance are still possible. This advice for long-distance relationships may be helpful to couples who are not far distant.


Be vulnerable.

Our capacity to be fully vulnerable leads to the creation of so much beauty and enchantment. Vulnerability is what makes relationships holy and meaningful at their core.

Being vulnerable is not simple. In a subsequent blog article, we’ll go into more detail regarding a vulnerability in relationships because it’s a topic that merits in-depth discussion.

Setting the friendship component of your relationship as your priority is a good place to start when dealing with vulnerability. Friends are the individuals we go to seek acceptance and reveal our darkest secrets. The same ought to apply in a relationship. For more information on this, read our article about friendship in marriage.


The significance of commitment cannot be stressed enough in this manual of Relationship Advice for Couples.

We really think that dedication in our relationships is essential. We view marriage as a lifetime commitment. Divorce is not even a possibility for us. We are here to stay.

We believe this degree of dedication is essential for a successful partnership. Without that, what would spur you on to persevere in the face of adversity? Without it, how can we trust that our spouse would be there for us even when times are difficult? Dedication is essential.

I realize now that we can’t predict what the future will bring. The idea is that we should enter into marriage or long-term partnerships with this as our objective, even if it is impossible to declare anything with full confidence.

PS: It’s common to fear commitment. (We include it as one of the potential explanations he hasn’t offered.) That’s alright. It might take time to get comfortable with commitment, so it’s understandable if it doesn’t seem to come effortlessly.


Long-term, committed relationships have a natural ebb and flow, and if you can accept that it won’t always be easy & breezy, hot & heavy, or any other fantasy combination from a romance novel, you won’t panic and wonder what went wrong when you find yourself in a season of the relationship that isn’t easy & breezy or hot & heavy.

You may be confident that you and your spouse are on a stable foundation as you move through the many seasons and difficulties of your lives if you and your partner are adhering to the key principles of the relationship advice for couples presented above.

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