What A Dermatologist Eats For Breakfast For Plump, Healthy Skin

What A Dermatologist Eats For Breakfast For Plump, Healthy Skin

Another day, another “brand-new” beauty fad on TikTok that consumers mistake for a fundamental idea of skin care. This one is eating a “skin care breakfast,” which is a nutrient-rich breakfast that feeds your skin from the inside out. If this seems familiar, it’s because many people have been promoting skin foods for a long time, including us.

I’m not trying to be cruel. In contrast to other dubious TikTok crazes (such as avoiding sunscreen), this is a “trend” I wholeheartedly support! Geeta Yadav, M.D., the founder of FACET Dermatology and board-certified dermatologist, would also admit that she is a fan; below, she offers her go-to basics for a balanced, skin-plumping breakfast.

What a derm recommends for your “skin care breakfast”

First things first: drink lots of water. “I’d recommend always starting your day with a glass of water with lemon, ideally warm or room temperature, as full-body hydration promotes healthier skin,” Yadav writes. Additionally, the lemon contains vitamin C, which is essential for the synthesis of collagen (more on that later).

Choose between these two delectable breakfast alternatives based on what you want in the morning.

Savoury option

“It gets a lot of flak, but there’s nothing wrong with avocado toast, especially when you’re using whole-grain toast,” Yadav says. Oleic acid, one of the several fatty acids found in avocados, helps to build and moisturize the skin barrier. Additionally, they contain vitamin E, which aids in protecting your skin from free radical damage.

“If you’re someone who enjoys fish first thing in the morning (not all people do!), eating fatty fish like salmon, which you can always eat smoked, promotes skin density and moisturization, as well as combating inflammation due to its high levels of omega-3s,” says Yadav. So go ahead and put some smoked wild salmon on top of your bread.

She suggests adding nuts and seeds to your avocado if you’re not a fish lover. These add plant-based omega-3s and minerals like zinc, “which promote moisturized skin, reduced inflammation, and balanced oil production,” she adds.

Sweet option

Something sweeter for breakfast? Yadav’s favourite smoothie combination is berries and leafy greens; you can even include avocado for extra richness. Fruits “feature antioxidants, vitamins like A and K, and a compound called anthocyanin, which can support collagen production,” she writes. They also include vitamin C, which supports the formation of fibroblasts, repairs damaged collagen DNA, and controls the process of collagen synthesis.

You can even add a scoop of collagen powder to your smoothie blend if you really want to go above and beyond. It has been demonstrated that hydrolyzed collagen supplements support the body’s normal synthesis of collagen as well as other skin-forming molecules like elastin and fibrillin. Consequently, studies demonstrate that these collagen peptides can maintain dermal collagen density and skin elasticity. Browse our selection of the best collagen powders—all endorsed by a nutrition Ph.D.—here.

If you’re not into smoothies, Yadav also likes chia pudding. “This is an amazing option for people who often skip breakfast as it’s easy to prepare overnight,” she says. Simply combine chia seeds with your preferred milk (soy is good because its isoflavones can help stop collagen from degrading) and a small amount of sweetener, such as honey or maple syrup. Overnight, the chia seeds will plump up and form a rich pudding that is perfect for topping with nuts and berries.” (Pro tip: Chia pudding with collagen powder tastes great!)

The takeaway

Simply put, to make a “skincare breakfast,” give priority to foods high in fatty acids and antioxidants that plump the skin from the inside out. For her morning meal, Yadav personally likes creamy chia pudding, berry-based smoothies, or avocado toast topped with nuts and seeds or wild salmon. However, there are a ton more foods that are good for your skin than just these, so feel free to make your own recipes.

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