How to Be a Better Lover 8 Ways to Improve Your Love and Marriage Life
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How to Be a Better Lover: 8 Ways to Improve Your Love and Marriage Life

Contrary to what certain self-proclaimed lady-killing pickup artists would have you think, everyone has concerns about their sexual abilities at times. But, because there is a social shame associated with being a bad lover, many men keep their problems to themselves.

In reality, everyone has varied tastes. As a result, although some ladies may appreciate a particular motion, others may not. And when you’re in the heat of the moment, that can really throw you off.

BAM! Your go-to move has become a buzz kill. How do you get better?

Fortunately, most women are willing to give a guy a second opportunity if they are interested in him. The emotional connection is quite powerful.

Now, the only question is what you can do to spice things up correctly.

Are you concerned that you may bring your lover into bed? Then continue reading for 8 in-depth ways you may learn how to be a great lover. Finally, enhance your romantic life.

1. Practice Healthy Communication for Sexual Intimacy

How to Be a Better Lover 8 Ways to Improve Your Love and Marriage Life
How to Be a Better Lover 8 Ways to Improve Your Love and Marriage Life

Are you in a relationship but have no idea how to be a good lover? Then the greatest thing you can do is tell your partner about it. Isn’t it true that it’s easier said than done? That doesn’t have to be that way.

One of the most common problems couples have is a lack of communication.

So how can communication be improved? And how does this relate to being a better lover?

While a couple may communicate often by text or in person, the interactions may be superficial. In fact, some interactions might be utterly devoid of emotion from either party.

Don’t make your significant other read your mind. Instead, open up and start communicating some of your intimate thoughts.

Because if you’re reading this, you’re interested in learning how to be a better lover. And communication is crucial.

If you’re shy about speaking out or don’t know where to begin, stay reading for some pointers on communicating with your sweetheart.

Have an Open Mind

It’s critical to have an open mind when talking to a partner. Keep in mind that you want to increase your love-making abilities. It’s not the time to pass judgment or make someone feel uneasy.

Attempt to steer the conversation without any gut responses or immature remarks. The last thing you want is for your partner to be sorry for confiding in you.

Finally, you must be prepared to listen to them. And if they say anything unexpected or off-putting, speak out! Communication is a two-way street.

The fact is that everyone has limitations. And we’re not all interested in the same things. To avoid any unpleasant encounters, you must put everything on the table at least once. Then you must…

Learn to Set Boundaries

When communicating about sensitive topics, it’s critical to establish limits. You are harming yourself and your spouse by failing to address these boundaries.

Now is your moment to take the initiative and initiate the boundary discussion. Because you are the only person who knows what you are truly thinking. The benefit of taking the initiative is that it inspires your spouse to do the same.

It also relieves some of their stress. Thus, if you’re having trouble asking what the other person loves, start by discussing what you don’t like. Then you may get into further detail on each person’s interest.

Learn to Listen

You must listen once your spouse begins to express her wants. These are private chats, and they frequently include sensitive subjects.

If you’re wondering how to be a good boyfriend, then you need to learn how to listen. Because not listening is a great way to make your partner feel disconnected from you.

It doesn’t imply you should just listen when the topic is directly related to your sexual life. She’s probably dropping hints all the time; you’re simply not noticing them.

When someone is interested in a certain sexual act, they will often bring it up alone.

They may, however, be evasive and skirt the issue. Do not try to force the conversation. Alternatively, try bringing up the same topic on your own in a more personal environment. The discourse might take a more intriguing turn.

Choose the Time Carefully

To ensure effective communication, you must ensure that your timing is correct. Because discussing your sex life at the wrong time may easily destroy a relationship.

Have you ever had a horrible day just to have someone try to engage you in a serious conversation? Were you paying attention to what they were saying?

Consider someone bringing up sexual closeness when you’re prepared for a key presentation. Or hurrying out the door for a meeting. Isn’t that the worst moment to bring up the subject of sex?

One way you can become a better lover is to time your conversations better.

If you want to be flirtatious or sexy, read the room beforehand. However, if your significant other isn’t in the mood, don’t start encouraging closeness or any other bedroom activities.

Focus on Non-Verbal Cues

Another technique to enhance your lovemaking skills is to pay attention to nonverbal clues. Many women communicate with their bodies as well as their mouths. Therefore, if you’re not paying attention, you’ll miss out.

Pay attention to vital nonverbal clues if you want to improve your lovemaking sessions.

Open Body Language

Is she using open body language while she’s near you? Look for a comfortable posture, uncrossed arms, and a body facing you.


It’s a good indication when a female can’t take her hands off of you. Take the suggestion and raise the temperature.

Active Participation

If you’re present and realize she’s having fun, you’re doing something well. Just stick with it and don’t change things up immediately soon. Yet, if she seems unresponsive to what is going on, you should go ahead and ask whether what you’re doing is okay.

Although it may appear simple to focus on your partner’s body, it is really simpler to ignore these nonverbal signs. Looking beyond your fears is difficult when you begin to doubt yourself. Thus, have a cheerful attitude. However, keep in mind that she may be telling you what you want to hear without expressing it.

2. Change Your Outlook on Sex

If you want to enhance your sexual relationship, you must first concentrate on your emotional connection, then on your physical connection. Finally, sex should be about closeness rather than the ultimate result.

Too many guys expect every romantic interaction with a woman to end in sex. That, however, should not be the case! Instead, the finest lovers understand that sexual pleasure follows a deep emotional connection.

That is why individuals who wish to have a fantastic sex life focus on sexual closeness.

Don’t Be Selfish About Sex

Do you ever race to the finish line in your bed? Be truthful.

We all want pleasure, but sometimes it means focusing too much on ourselves. Essentially, we are attempting to feel good at the expense of our partner’s delight.

Keep in mind that partnerships are a two-way street. Therefore, don’t be so self-centered in bed. A wonderful lover is never.

Put Intimacy Over Pleasure

Don’t be embarrassed if you have a mediocre bedroom life. You must first walk before you can run. You must take small steps in order to grow emotionally. This might imply spending more sensuous time together.

It takes time to develop into a wonderful lover. Avoid being overly preoccupied with sexual techniques. Make the most of your sensuality.

Don’t Worry About the End Result

If you truly want to learn how to be a great lover, you must stop caring about the outcome.

Perhaps your lover is definitely having fun with you one day. Yet the following time you sleep together, she doesn’t appear to be as content. We’re all human, regardless of gender. And every little thing counts. A lady may just have a lot on her mind at times. That is not always the fault of incorrect sexual technique.

Increase your time spent on foreplay. And strive to be less dissatisfied with the outcome of each sexual experience.

3. How to Be a Better Lover Outside the Bedroom

Relationships may be difficult. Couples might spend nearly all of their time together and still feel estranged. It also applies to people’s sexual lives. When we become stuck in the same sexual pattern, it may quickly become boring.

That is why even something as easy as scheduling a date night may improve your emotional connection. It’s especially important in a marriage when it’s easy to get caught up in your own life.

If you’re not sure how to become a better lover, here’s some advice for when you’re not in bed.

Make New Memories

Making new memories together is essential in partnerships, especially in marriage. As you experience such events, you can travel back in time. Return to the days when you couldn’t wait to see each other. And you couldn’t keep your hands off each other.

As a result, you’ll need a lot of personal memories to keep your sexual connection feeling new and exciting.

But wait, there’s more! You’re developing anticipation for seeing each other by organizing this time together. As if you’re back in the early dating process.

Change the Scenery

Change things up if you feel that your lovemaking sessions are lacking something. Take your lovemaking outside of the bedroom Рnothing too risqu̩, please.

Instead, go on a romantic holiday, share a shower, or take a dancing class together. Something out of the ordinary can invigorate your sexual energy.

4. Rekindle the Fire

After you’ve been in a long-term relationship, your sexual drive might become static. And inactivity or boredom might lead a man to assume he isn’t a good lover. So, how can you rekindle that raging yearning for a blazing love?

You can take many methods to restart the spark.

Flirt With Your Partner

Great lovers are flirty. And no marriage or long-term relationship can get in the way of it. Got it? Good.

Remember that just because you’ve won her heart doesn’t imply you should stop flirting with her.

Ask Questions

Sadly, just because you think you know someone inside and out doesn’t imply you know everything. Even the most happily married couples have some unsaid words to exchange.

Who knows, maybe the solution to “how to be a better lover” lies in a question you haven’t asked yet.

Cultivate a Stronger Physical Connection

Sometimes we just want to be better lovers because we believe our sexual technique is deteriorating. Then there are instances when we just wish to improve on our already satisfying sexual lives.

However, even couples with a lively physical connection feel disconnected outside of the bedroom.

Whatever your motive for wanting to learn how to be a better lover, you should consider how much physical affection you’re displaying. You may deepen your emotional connection by exhibiting more affection. This can greatly enhance your reputation as a wonderful lover.

5. Don’t Be Lazy About Your Relationship

If you want to be known as a wonderful lover, you must not get complacent. So frequently, couples get complacent. And laziness is a guaranteed way to destroy sex.

But what can you do to keep yourself from becoming sluggish? Don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Follow along for some pointers on how to be a great lover who is never sluggish.

Be the Man She Fell in Love With

It’s simple to dedicate time and attention to your significant other at the start of a relationship. Yet once you’ve won her heart, you can’t just quit doing the things that caused her to fall in the first place.

For example, if you used to go out after work and buy flowers, what’s stopping you from doing so now? Long-term relationships and marriage are not reasons to call it quits. Get those flowers for her!

If you used to invite her over for your signature dish but you never cook anymore, then get in the kitchen!

The most crucial aspect to remember is that you cannot improve as a lover if you quit doing what she already likes about you.

Surprise Her

Provide your relationship with surprises to keep it fresh. When life becomes a chore, your sexual enjoyment may suffer. But keep in mind that it’s not always about sex and more about the outside elements.

While some individuals want to plan their romantic trips and playdates, others may prefer to be surprised. Thus, if you’re wondering how to be a better lover, a surprise may be the answer.

Make plans for a surprise date night. Maybe go all out and surprise her with a candlelight meal. In other words, go all out, my man! And make her feel those butterflies once more.

Then turn the heat up and remind her what a fantastic lover you can be.

6. Work on Yourself First

Before you can learn to be a better lover, you must first learn to love yourself. This appears to be a straightforward notion. Unfortunately, self-love does not come overnight. And you may be wondering how you may retrain your brain to recognize that you’re having a good time in and out of bed.

As a result, you must work on yourself to become the greatest lover you can be.

Make Time for Yourself

Spending more time doing activities that make you happy can help you feel better about yourself. This, in turn, will result in healthier and happier relationships. Especially when marriage and long-term dating begin to eat into your free time.

You’ll constantly mistrust your ability if you don’t like yourself. And this might have a significant impact on your sexual performance.

Both couples should, ideally, make time for themselves. It’s easy to smother your spouse if you’re not comfortable with alone time. This might have a negative impact on bedroom life and relationships.

Thus, before you start dating a woman, take some time to enjoy yourself. You’ll be one step closer to understanding how to be a better lover.

Spruce Up

When you look in the mirror, do you see a bonafide Don Juan? Sometimes you just have to fake it till you make it. Because if you don’t think you’re desirable, why should you believe your partner does?

As a result, you’ll need to conduct some sprucing up.

Do you want your partner to look at you with lustful eyes? Then dress the part!

That is, if you have plans with the woman in your life, you cannot just put on your old workout clothes or ratty t-shirt. Instead, you should look in your wardrobe. And start dressed like the dashing gentleman you are.

But you can’t neglect your physical appearance just because you wear the right clothes.

Starting to learn how to be a better lover entails being fashionable and beautifully groomed. A little cologne never hurt anyone, either. Make certain that you are sexy from head to toe and everywhere in between.

Work on Your Self-Confidence

It is not simple to maintain a healthy degree of self-confidence. Regrettably, there are several mental impediments to overcome.

Yet, if you lack confidence outside of the bedroom, you will have a difficult time with sex.

Most women will agree that few things are sexier than a confident man.

Affirmations may boost your confidence, whether you hear them from women or say them to yourself. Learn how to be a better lover to yourself if you want to be a better lover to your spouse.

7. Be Adventurous in Your Sex Life

So, if you truly want to learn how to be a great lover, you should experiment with being sexually adventurous while remaining mindful of your partner’s boundaries.

If you haven’t discussed your unique comfort zones yet, now is the moment. And, while you don’t have to become too wild and crazy, there are certain joys you have yet to discover. And some that you should avoid.

Try a New Sexual Technique

In terms of new bedroom approaches, keep in mind that not all women prefer the same things in bed. While one lady from your past could enjoy all of your movements, a new relationship might not.

With this in mind, you must also be receptive to what your spouse desires. Don’t just do your normal motions. A good lover is willing to try new things.

But in a world of puritanical pressures, many couples are afraid to spice things up in bed. For this reason, try to take it slow.

Begin with extra foreplay and pay attention to your partner’s emotions. Don’t be concerned about doing things wrong. If she doesn’t like it, you now know what to avoid. Most essential, if you want to learn how to be a better lover, you must be present and listen to your spouse.

Buy Sex Toys

Sometimes sex necessitates some experimenting. Yet, when it comes to the health of your sexual activities, the extra work is well worth the trial and error.

Sex toys are currently a taboo subject. Nonetheless, the finest lovers do not shy away from risky sexual excursions inside their partnerships.

With that in mind, if you’re wondering how to be a better lover, you owe it to yourself and your spouse to at least discuss it. Experiment around with the concept and see what piques your attention.

In fact, there are so many toy alternatives available that you’re sure to find one that both of you will like.

8. Have Fun Together

It’s worthless to spend time focusing on your sexual compatibility if you’re not having fun. When the joy wears off and sex becomes work, it’s time to evaluate where you stand in your relationship.

Finally, if you want to learn how to be a better lover, you must maintain your sense of humor. Because excellent lovers not only know how to make love, but they also know how to have fun while doing it.

As a result, plan some thrilling dates with your significant other. Or perhaps a romantic night in. Just try to leave your worries at the door and enjoy yourself.

How to be a Better Lover: Final Thoughts

At the end of the day, there is no sex playbook. Well, there are thousands of books on the subject of sex. They can’t, however, focus on your personal difficulties in the bedroom. And they have no idea how all of this relates to your significant other.

For those wanting to know how to be a better lover, the best answer we have is that it’s a combination of a deeply emotional, and sexual connection.

As a result, instead of avoiding the subject, speak out! And collaborate with your partners to learn how to be a better lover all around.

Ideally, you’ll apply these suggestions to improve your personal interactions and feel like a better lover.

Do you have any more recommendations for our readers? Tell us in the comments!


How can I be the best lover ever?

Being the best lover ever requires a combination of emotional connection, communication, and physical technique. To be the best lover, you need to pay attention to your partner’s needs and desires, communicate openly and honestly with them, and learn how to satisfy them physically.

How do I make my husband madly love me?

Making someone fall in love is not entirely in your control, but there are things you can do to strengthen your bond with your husband. Spend quality time together, communicate effectively, show appreciation, and be supportive of each other’s goals and dreams. Remember that love takes effort from both partners.

How do I make my husband happy and love me more?

Making your husband happy involves showing him love and respect, listening to his needs and concerns, and being supportive of his goals and aspirations. Take the time to understand him and communicate effectively. Show him that you value him and appreciate him. Spend quality time together, and don’t forget to have fun and enjoy each other’s company.

How can I improve my emotional connection with my partner?

Improving your emotional connection with your partner requires spending quality time together, sharing your thoughts and feelings, and being supportive and understanding. It is also important to listen actively to your partner and to show them that you care about their needs and feelings.

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