Tips On How To Parent Differently Than Your Parents
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5 Tips On How To Parent Differently Than Your Parents

How To Parent Differently Than Your Parents. We’ve all made a pledge to ourselves as children that we will never treat our own children the way we were treated. But, our attitude transformed once we became parents.

We came to see why our own parents made certain decisions, and our priorities shifted as we transitioned from kid to carer.

Parents must examine more things than youngsters while making decisions.

Regrettably, a shift in perspective can lead us to do things that even a child knows are wrong, such as shouting at or beating our children.

Recognizing parental issues and obligations does not justify child maltreatment. Most of us are aware of this, but we don’t know how to parent in any other way because this is the only parenting style we’ve ever known.

There is a worry that if we do not do what previous generations have done, we will raise a problem child or, worse, a failure.

Break The Cycle Of Childhood Trauma

Tips On How To Parent Differently Than Your Parents
How To Parent Differently Than Your Parents

It is perfectly understandable that not everyone wishes to raise differently from their own parents.

There is, however, hope for people who have endured childhood trauma and want to stop the cycle.

By making intentional and purposeful parenting decisions, it is possible to break free from the bad patterns of the past.

Anybody, with the correct mentality and resources, may choose to parent in a way that emphasizes their children’s well-being and enjoyment 1​.

We Can Parent Differently

Parenting differently requires us to think differently.

When I first heard someone put a camera in a phone thirty years ago, I thought that person was insane. A phone was used for communication. It would be a waste of resources if no one used it to snap images.

Few of us today will buy a phone without it.

Putting a camera in a phone was considered absurd thirty years ago, and our preconceived views about parenting might limit our possibilities.

New opportunities arise when we think differently and creatively.

We may build on previous experiences and open ourselves up to new chances for more successful and positive parenting if we allow fresh ideas and methods.

We don’t have to be constrained by the assumption that if we don’t replicate certain habits, we would somehow damage our kids.

How To Parent Differently Than Our Parents


Parenting entails making regular sacrifices in order to achieve our parental objectives. There is no such thing as a perfect method to parent, just as there is no such thing as a flawless life or people.

Nonetheless, parents are frequently greedy.

We have many hopes for our children as parents: excellent behavior, kindness, happiness, hard work, self-motivation, success, and a strong relationship with us.

But which of them matters the most to you?

There are times when we just cannot have it all. We must prioritize and make a decision.

Parents who are unsure of their parenting priorities frequently make incorrect choices and encounter challenges later on.

If your child does not complete their schoolwork and you opt to place them in time-out, your goal is compliance.

If your child does not achieve excellent marks and you choose to take away their privilege, then success is your focus.

When punishment is employed as a disciplinary approach, achievement and conduct take precedence over compassion, happiness, and a strong connection.

Parenthood is one of the most common sources of regret in life 2. Having a clear picture of your goals will enable you to make educated decisions that are consistent with your beliefs and purposes, resulting in fewer regrets.

Healthy relationships and happiness with their children are priorities for many parents who have endured childhood trauma.

If this rings true for you, choose a discipline plan that promotes developing solid connections first.


Many parents feel that eliminating punishment is unattainable.

“I can’t let my child to do anything he wants.”

“I can’t just let my child fail.”

They have a tendency to presume the worst.

Punishing does not imply disciplining. There are alternative techniques of discipline. In fact, these techniques are frequently more successful than punishment 3.

Some parents feel they should focus on behavior concerns first, anticipating that mending chances would come later.

Yet, using punishment to enforce obedience can often irreversibly harm the parent-child relationship.

The irony is that some parents employ catastrophic thinking to justify disciplining their children while over-optimism is used to consider the negative repercussions.

It is ridiculous to believe that we can apply punitive measures now and then flip to compassion afterward as if everything is OK.


“Are we meant to practice lax parenting, allowing our children to go into the street and get hit by cars?”

Of course not.

There is no obligation to adopt the same disciplinary method in every case.

Being adaptable entails acknowledging that there are different alternatives to punishment, each with its own purpose.

Some parenting styles place a premium on compassion, while others place a premium on safety.

We may respond differently to each event and discover the best answer for our parenting goals. Be adaptable, and don’t rely on a particular disciplinary technique to solve all challenges.

For example, when dealing with non-life-threatening circumstances such as missing homework, inductive punishment that uses logic to assist children to grasp the consequence is more successful 4.

In cases where a child’s activities endanger himself or others, you may need to physically restrain them.

Allowing a youngster to experience the natural consequences of persistently neglecting their studies until pushed will help them grasp that the repercussions are not just hollow threats but are real.

These examples show how to teach a kid without endangering the parent-child bond or acting unkindly, which is beneficial for parents who prioritize relationships or compassion over other aims.


Parental influence is crucial. Parents have a large influence on their children’s values, beliefs, and attitudes.

It might be difficult to know how to react in unexpected situations. Consider the behavior you want your child to demonstrate and then replicate it for them 5,6.

When you are in a difficult situation with your child, model the behavior you want them to exhibit by doing it yourself. For example, if you want children to be cool and courteous in difficult situations, model that behavior for them.

If, on the other hand, you are angry or impatient, you are setting a terrible example for your child and teaching them that these are suitable behaviors in tough situations.

Be the person you want your child to become.


Adopting a new approach to parenting may be a rewarding but challenging path, especially when confronted with criticism and judgment from family and friends.

Maintaining your parenting ideals and having a defined aim will help you feel secure in your decisions.

If the negativity becomes too much to bear, consider the influence toxic individuals have on you and your child.

If you and your spouse dispute parenting methods, see What To Do When Husband And Wife Have Differing Parenting Styles.

Final Thoughts (How To Parent Differently Than Your Parents)

Making a conscious effort to parent differently is admirable, but it’s normal to be intimidated by the responsibilities that come with it.

Adopting a new parenting style will be difficult, but with perseverance and help, you may have a great influence on your child’s life.

If you find difficulties implementing alternative parenting practices on your own, or if you need additional assistance in this journey, consider obtaining guidance from a mental health professional.

Be the parent you wished you had when you were a child.

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