How to Tell Someone You Like Them Tips for Grown Ass Adults
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How to Tell Someone You Like Them: Tips for Grown Ass Adults

We realize it might be difficult to put yourself out there, especially once you’ve outgrown the age where you can casually ask your bestie’s bestie if they could perhaps somewhat like you, right? No worries, since we’ve put up this guide on how to tell someone you adore them, complete with adult-appropriate advice!

Dating may be complex enough; let’s not complicate the processes leading up to the actual dating. There are several methods to express your feelings for someone, whether by dropping clues, expressing them outright, or allowing your body language to do the talking. The most of things you’ll do automatically when you like someone, but you may read through to see which are the greatest methods for you to tell someone you like them.

How to Tell Someone You Like Them: Tips for Grown Ass Adults

To tell someone you like them, you’ve got to show them how much you enjoy being around them! How to Tell Someone You Like Them
To tell someone you like them, you’ve got to show them how much you enjoy being around them! How to Tell Someone You Like Them

Make a Game Plan

The inability to predict exactly how things will turn out is often what makes telling someone how you actually feel the most terrifying. Although you won’t know for sure until it happens how your crush will react to you, it might be useful to have a strategy in place for both possibilities.

For instance, prepare what you’re going to say or do in advance and rehearse it many times by yourself. Also, think about your response and what you’ll say or do if their crush tells you they like you too or if they decide they aren’t interested in you.

Act Quick

Once you’ve made up your mind to confess your emotions for your crush, you should do it as soon as possible since the longer you wait, the more time you’ll have to convince yourself otherwise. There will never be a “perfect time,” so just prepare ahead and act when the timing is right.

Keep Things Light

It’s always advisable to keep things light and uncomplicated unless you’ve had a close friendship for a very long time. If the Will They, Won’t They scenario is going to take a while, it would be good to bring up some more serious topics during the first chat, such as “Our friendship has meant the world to me over all these years.”

For the rest of us, keep it light by just expressing interest in your infatuation in a way that doesn’t give them the impression that the wedding has already been planned. Even though you have undoubtedly already begun the wedding preparations

Mind the Moment

It’s crucial to read the room while attempting to tell someone you like them. This can be more difficult than it appears since it is easy to become so preoccupied with what we want to say and how we want to say it that we may not pay as close attention to real-time indications as we should. Choose a time when there isn’t any huge time constraint (like when you’re on the elevator going to different levels) or when your crush isn’t stressed out because of a job hurry or anything similar. There is no such thing as a Perfect Moment, but there are inappropriate times, so as long as you avoid them, you’ll be OK!

For a Direct Answer, Be Direct

Yes, you may tease and flirt all you want, but if you want to find out whether they like you too right away, be direct. This also doesn’t imply putting someone under pressure because declarations of love and desire in public simply increase pressure in a circumstance that most definitely doesn’t require it. Be clear when expressing your interest by making sure there are no possible interpretations of what you are saying.

Tips for Verbally Telling Someone You Like Them

Telling a crush that you like them over text is an effective strategy! How to Tell Someone You Like Them
Telling a crush that you like them over text is an effective strategy! How to Tell Someone You Like Them

While expressing your feelings in person is still frequently the best option, texting is still acceptable! One drawback of expressing your crush you like them through text is that they can become confused and believe you’re kidding or don’t mean it when you say you like them “like that.” The benefits of texting include being able to properly plot out what you want to say and avoiding having to deal with your jitters in front of your crush while in person. These aren’t problems you’d likely have if you just told them you liked them in person, though.

Be Clear

Be explicit about whether you decide to call or text the person you like. You don’t want to leave too much open to interpretation, so avoid vague plans like “want to hang later?” in favor of specific date options like “Can I take you out to dinner later?” “I’d want to get to know you a little better. “I know this wonderful coffee shop that would be perfect for a date; are you available tomorrow afternoon?”

Give Them Something to Respond To

Avoid leaving them hanging by saying something like, “I like you.” Give them a straightforward question to answer, such as “I really enjoy hanging out with you and would love to do more of that.” Why not go bowling on your date? Using the term date also helps to make your request clear and offers them something concrete to reply to.

Keep it Brief

Keep it brief whether you’re chatting to them on the phone or by text when you like someone. Following up with messages that either contradict or walk back what you stated after messaging someone you like is a typical mistake. Examples include “it’s alright if you don’t feel the same, I don’t want you to feel pushed” and “if you’re not interested in going on a date, that’s great too.” Allow the other person to answer! Texts like this just help to undermine your confidence in your feelings for them, which is the last thing you want.

Avoid rambling on after telling your crush you like them or asking them out in person. When we’re worried, we tend to ramble on, so be careful of this and give your crush a chance to respond. You don’t want to be kept waiting any longer, do you?

How to Use Body Language to Tell Someone You Like Them

There are many ways to use body language to flirt! How to Tell Someone You Like Them
There are many ways to use body language to flirt! How to Tell Someone You Like Them

There are several methods to utilize body language to express your feelings for someone, but keep in mind that some individuals are more sensitive to body language clues than others. These are some of the most effective methods to show someone you appreciate them, yet many are intentionally subtle. Most people find it unappealing when someone falls all over themselves to catch another person’s attention, thus creative, subtle, and flirtatious body language is essential!


This is simple yet effective. How would your crush ever know that you love being with them if you’re not smiling around them? We’re not suggesting you maintain a frozen grin on your face at all times, but make sure you give them lots of grins while you’re together, especially when you first encounter each other. Make it clear that you are always delighted to see them.

Keep Open Body Language

Standing or sitting with decent posture, without crossing your arms or legs in front of you, is open body language. This communicates to the rest of the world (and your crush) that you are not close to them.

Yes Signals

There are other ways to utilize body language to indicate to someone you like, but expressing a positive “yes” to your crush while they speak to you is an excellent method to get their attention. Yes, signals include moving your body, head, and eyes towards your crush as they speak, tiny nods as they speak, a slight tilt of the head as you listen, and a short, playful lift of the eyebrow to indicate to them you are reacting to them in real-time.

Maintain Eye Contact

When it comes to eye contact, there might be a fine line between too little and too much to avoid being stalkerish. Maintaining eye contact with your crush is a sign of respect. However, you should also use it as a powerful tool by occasionally and naturally looking away for a moment, whether to pick up an imagined piece of lint off your sleeve or to briefly follow the movement of a person who is moving slightly out of your line of sight, before bringing it back to your crush.

Use the Mirror Method

Mirroring involves adopting bodily postures and gestures similar to the person being mirrored. For example, if your crush is standing and leaning back on a rail, you will find a method to stand and lean back against the rail as well. If the person you admire is highly expressive and talks a lot with their hands, you may do the same. This helps to relax the other person.

Casual Touch

This is a rather straightforward method to express your feelings for someone, but it is also one of the most effective. Casual contact should be light and quick, whether it’s grazing their hand while working in close proximity, a slight touch on the arm while you laugh at their joke, or possibly remaining a moment or two longer in a welcoming handshake or embrace than you do in everyday life. The famous “picking an imagined piece of lint off their shirt” motion is also available!

Draw Closer

Of course, you should always read the circumstance and maintain an acceptable amount of personal space, but leaning in a bit closer than you would with someone you don’t care about is a terrific indication that you like them and enjoy being near them.

How to Hint that You Like Someone

Hinting may not be the clearest approach to telling someone you adore them, but it’s essentially purposeful flirting, and that’s a lot of fun! Here are some sweet ways to tell someone you like them.

  • Laugh at their jokes and tell them, “I adore your sense of humor!”
  • When you see them, compliment them: “I adore that shirt. You have a fantastic sense of style.”
  • Inform them that you’d want to see more of them: “When we’re together, I have so much fun. This is something we should do more of!”
  • Discuss common interests: “I noticed your Insta video about working at your grandmother’s elderly facility the other day. I appreciate what you do; I used to volunteer at the hospital.”
  • Make a mixed CD/playlist for them: This will always be a classic approach to telling someone you adore them because it’s such a fun way to express yourself!
  • Get them their favorite drink or snack: This is a sweet approach to show them that you’ve been paying attention to their interests and that you’re thinking about them even when you’re not together.
  • Remind them that you’re single and looking for love on a regular basis: “It’s been a little while since I’ve dated someone, but I’m eager to jump back in!” Bonus points if you can combine this with any of the flirting body language movements listed above.
  • Send them lovely texts that indicate you’re thinking of them!

There are several methods to express your feelings for someone, but the most essential is to be yourself! Choose the things that speak to you the most, and remember that the best way to find out whether someone likes you back is to put yourself out there!

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